LaClinika belongs to the 0.1% of advertising agencies founded and led by women. ZERO. POINT. ONE. PERCENT!
This data is both disturbing and motivating, pushing us to address this issue. As a woman conformed and lead agency, we know this industry
needs our point of view.

Certified by WeConnect as a woman led company, with a 70%+ woman composed team.
We are convinced that this industry needs more women involved and in leadership roles. Eighteen years of creating advertising for brands targeting women have shown us how valuable it is to uncover insights from our own experiences, resonating with the desires and needs of more women like us.
Created for woman by woman.

“Women are making great strides both professionally and personally, and brands should be able to keep up with our pace.”
In this interview, Ena Andrade, founder and director of LaClinika, discusses the importance of creating more representative messages for women. Her goal is to redefine the current role of advertising and positively impact future generations.